
 about us




Alchemy was medieval chemists’ attempts to turn base metals into gold.

Equine Alchemy does the same but the riches derived from working with horses is full of emotional enrichment and lessons learned about self…proving to be much more valuable than gold.

The experience of working with horses requires a relationship with another being and an acute awareness of boundaries-yours and theirs-as well as skill in interpreting the language of emotions.


All skills of thriving human life and relationships.


The birth of Equine Alchemy was, and continues to be, an extension of who I am as a result of horse wisdom.  As I sit in the sun here in Tucson, looking out over the vast desert Saguaros and four separate mountain ranges, I continually ask myself questions that aren’t always easy. But they are necessary to keep me on my path of serving you. 


I’d like to share some of the questions and answers I continually answer as a way of introducing this work of raising awareness through coaching and horses, for myself and you. Feel free to explore them within you as a powerful step on your path.
With ease and grace, Lisa Murrell

What are my core gifts, biggest strengths and assets?

Core Gifts:

  • Creating an abundant and sustainable Equine Assisted Coaching Practice through combining ICF Coaching and Equine Facilitated Learning.

  • Facilitating and holding the sacred space of possibility and transformation for others with and without horses.

Strengths and Assets:

  • 25 years of business coaching and consulting globally with corporations, big and small businesses and solopreneurs.

  • 3 six figure businesses including a globally successful business and life coaching practice.

  • Joy seeker!!! Humor is one of my core values!

  • I believe this work is sacred.

  • Finally, I am living exactly what I love and can bring that same possibility to you!

What is the primary message or big picture vision I want to convey to others?

The quintessential professional woman who had the vulnerability and courage to step into her transformation and as a result is doing what she loves.

How do I want others to know and experience me?

  • Authentically, what you see is what you get, I live and walk my talk.

  • A sherpa and guide–not guru.

  • Someone who cares about and can support you through consensual learning and accountability. 

Equine Alchemy’s Coaching Skills through Horse Wisdom Mission

Our mission at Equine Alchemy is to raise the level of consciousness in the world through life coaching with horses.  Through our programming with and without horses, Coaching Skills through Horse Wisdom aims to inspire and empower people to find fulfillment in their life because we believe that EVERYONE deserves to experience the flexibility, freedom, and joy that come from living and loving the life and work they are meant to do. 

Equine Alchemy strives to hold the space to develop awareness and deliver the skills needed to manifest this life and work for our students.

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of Equine Alchemy that:

  • Recruitment and hiring of all personnel are conducted without discrimination against any individual with regard to race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All staff and personnel will not discriminate against any employee or participant because of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All individuals are welcome to participate regardless of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • All employees, students, and other participants should be able to enjoy an environment free of discrimination and harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination or harassment in the areas of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
  • Our organization does not and will not tolerate conduct by any employee, student, volunteer, contractor, visitor, or vendor which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to learn in a welcoming environment.