Energy, horses and self-awareness. Wow! These 3 aspects in the same sentence evoke a powerful feeling. Imagine what they can evoke when practiced together! Let’s examine this a bit more closely… First, what is a Conscious Warrior? A warrior who listens to their own...
Energy #2 -The Energy of Connection We are all part of the same universe. Duality and believing ourselves separate is something that keeps us from experiencing that connectivity. The very mystery of life is intelligent connection. Our bodies know this and have been in...
Many of us have heard about transference in therapy. The role of transference and projection in coaching is very powerful information as well for both coach and client. Equine Alchemy’s ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Programming includes the distinction...
A foundational part of our Coach Training is exploring and knowing the difference between ‘implicit and explicit knowing. Student Liz Cutting describes it this way…”Removing the ego from our interpretation of events appears an impossible feat, as it...
I’ve noticed that there are many more Equine Assisted Coaching Programs out there than ever before! Whoo-hoo! That means this powerful work is becoming more accessible to all of the people and organizations who need it! Indeed, the time of the horse is again,...
Part of Equine Alchemy’s work with horses is teaching people how to discover unconscious aspects of themselves as well as prepare coaches, current and future, how to coach from this place of intersubjectivity; two sentient beings sharing the same subjective...
I’m working with a very nice human today. She has a softness about her that is pleasant to be with. I think she has a plan to lead me somewhere but she hasn’t actually shared it with me yet. She wants me to go with her but I say, “No!”.She laughs and stops pulling on...
It’s a cool spring day and the sun feels warm on my coat. Outside the round pen a woman is preparing to come in with me. I wonder who I’m going to meet today?The woman’s energy changes from swirly, anxious anticipation to a grounded sense of peace.Everything is going...
Coach Cloud: I’ll follow your heart.I worked with 3 humans today, one at a time. They were all so different.The first woman was soft and open, no particular agenda or request. We hung out for a long time. I nearly fell asleep. Then she decide to get a little more...
Part three, “From Ignorance to Bliss”.If you’re just joining this series, I encourage you to start at the beginning… Part one, “What We Did Right” – how it began and what we did in preparation for a safe, wonderful experience for a 2-day equine facilitated...