Part Two: The Gaping Hole in Our PlanIf you’re just joining this series, I encourage you to start at the beginning…Part one, “What We Did Right” – how it began and what we did in preparation for a safe, wonderful experience for a 2-day equine facilitated...
Part One: What We Did RightI recently traveled out of state to co-facilitate 2 days of equine facilitated leadership training with 3 other colleagues from Raleigh, NC. The facility we worked at is currently providing equine assisted psychotherapy with their herd. We...
Jack and Simon a New Perspective through Equine Assisted CoachingAs Jack walked toward the round pen his head was down, his hands shoved in his pockets. He had just finished a phone conversation with his wife, who he is now divorcing after 18 years. This is not how...
Energy #4 The Energy of Detachment Detachment, also expressed as non-attachment, is a state in which a person overcomes his or her attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world and thus attaining a heightened perspective. It is also viewed as the...
What a great day to be napping…I’ve been jumping and running and now my human, Lisa, is outside the gate inviting me to play! Oh…who is this other human? She seems kind. She is very sweet as she puts on my halter. I can feel her care. Yes, she’s used to caring for...
A Conversation with the Real Dr. Doolittle!1. What exactly is “Horse Sense for Humans”? What is the “Sense” they have for us?2. How are horses different than a dog or cat in this scenario?3. How do “know” when you are in an ‘inter-subjective’ state of being? What does...
My client today is stomping all around the round pen. I haven’t figured out why I am even in here with her. There are sparks of wild energy flying off in every direction as she flails her arms around and takes big strides one direction and then suddenly...
A young woman enters the gate. She is calm, and I feel as though we may understand each other. I wonder if she will come closer.She does! I lift my head and look at her. Her energy is less clear now; we are in danger of falling out of sync.It was so easy at first!...