Many of us have heard about transference in therapy. The role of transference and projection in coaching is very powerful information as well for both coach and client.
Equine Alchemy’s ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Programming includes the distinction and importance of both projection and transference in a valuable coaching relationship.
Equine Alchemy Coach in Training Michelle Clayton describes her understanding of these critical behaviors applied to coaching in the following way.
What is the difference between projection and transference?
Projection is when a person reduces their anxiety by pushing unwanted subconscious aspects of themselves onto other people. In essence, the conscious mind is still unaware of those hidden and uncomfortable parts or potentials in ourselves. Transference is when a person is experiencing and reacting to a current relationship as if it were actually an old one.
Why is it important to be familiar with these terms and how it shows up in Coaching?
The coach needs to be able to recognize when transference occurs in order to support the client in making a distinction between the past and the present. It is necessary for the conscious mind to be aware and present to find resolution and relief for issues that may have begun in the past yet are still impacting their current situation.
A great entrance into this complex phenomena, Michelle!
Well said!